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Before sumbitting your proposal, please note:

The ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter is a non-profit organization. We offer the highly sought-after opportunity for presenters to share their expertise at our chapter meetings for the benefit of our members and talent development community. As a benefit to you, you will gain awareness from the local community of your brand, build your network, and share your experience with the event attendees.

We do not offer an engagement fee. If this arrangement is acceptable to you, please continue to complete and submit the Speaker Request for proposal form. Your submission will be reviewed and the chapter will respond to you within 7 to 10 business days. Click the button below to launch the form.

ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter - Speaker Request for Proposal

Frequently Asked Questions

The ATD RMC uses the Request for Proposal form located at the link above to select programming for the chapter's education events. Any chapter member or non-member can submit a proposal. Board members will select speakers from all submissions.


Please use the Program Proposal form located at the red button above. The Vice President of Programming will receive your submission for review. 

ATD Membership Requirement

Membership of ATD (national or local chapter) is not required to submit a proposal as a presenter, but members res will receive preference when considering similar proposals.

Payment and Expenses

The ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter is a volunteer non-profit organization. We typically ask speakers to volunteer their time. If you require compensation, we may consider your proposal based upon it's merit. 

Submission Form

 All speakers must use the Speaker Request for Proposal form located at the link above. 

ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter Logo Use

The ATD RMC logo is available for us on announcement or materials with permission from the ATD RMC. 

Marketing Restrictions

You can include the name of your business, business address, email address, social media information and contact information on your handout. You may display your marketing materials and sell your products at a presenter's table. Please do not include any verbal or written marketing or sales content for your product or services as part of your presentation. We sincerely hope the visibility as an expert in the field will be reward to you and result in follow-up from participants. 

Multiple speaking engagements

You may propose to present at a general meeting, a webinar, and professional development workshops. Please submit a separate proposal for each type of meeting.  

Themes / Topics

Themes for our educations events are based upon the ATD Competency Model and are identified by the national organization as essential knowledge and skills for the talent development professions.  


ATD RMC asks that presenter incorporate learning activities into their presentations. 

Presentation Length

Presentations are typically between 50 to 60 minutes, please be sure to incorporate time for questions in the presentation.

Audio Visual Support

Indicate the AV equipment required in the Request for Proposal. The Vice President of Technology will also follow up with you. 

Why Present at a Chapter Meeting?

Presenting at Chapter meetings is a great opportunity to develop professionally and share your expertise with other training professionals. Presenting at Chapter meeting also gives you great exposure for business development. We would really like to hear from you.

Every year the ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter seeks local and national speakers to provide education and training for its membership. We look for the special presenter who can challenge and prepare the members with the leading edge information for workplace learning through inquiry, analysis, and application.

We have the following opportunities available:

  • Monthly general meetings
  • Webinars
  • Professional Development Workshops

Presentation Themes

The themes for our monthly meetings, webinars, and our professional development events support the ATD Competency Model reflecting the areas of expertise identified as essential knowledge and skills.

The ATD Competency Model includes the following areas of expertise:

  • Performance Improvement
  • Instructional Design
  • Training Delivery
  • Learning Technologies
  • Evaluating Learning Impact
  • Managing Learning Programs
  • Integrated Talent Management
  • Coaching
  • Knowledge Management
  • Change Management

Programs Proposal Form

The form is used by the ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter to solicit presenters for the topics selected for the chapter’s event and professional development calendar. Any chapter member or non-member can submit a proposal to be a general meeting presenter or to be a professional development event presenter.  A committee of chapter volunteers will review your proposal and make the selections based on the criteria provided in the proposal.

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